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Candy Names

Candy Names

Today i'll tell people there candy names.For example Juno Parks.My candy name would be Hot Cinnamon Brittle Crisps.Now all you have to do to learn your candy name is leave a comment saying your name.Then as soon as I can I'll reply telling you your candy name.Thanks!


  1. Omg Juno, is that all of you and Bugsy's halloween candy???
    You know my name, so whats my candy name???

    P.S. I like the ocean background. :)

  2. First name Last name
    Scrumptious Fudge Yum Bombs
    And actualy I have this book that tells you how to do different things with your name.

  3. Nice. What's with Countess Glam??? I don't think of myself as that sort of person.

  4. Either do I.If I got to make YOURS up it would be Bestie Blogger.
