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Cool pics

This post is about cool,awesome and amazing pics.
They can be real,fake,big or small.
So here they are!!!






I can't wait, tomorrow is the first day of school!
It's gonna be great!
I have a nice teacher and awesome friends.
What else do you need for school? School supplies! Take a look!


One of my favorite blogs

Here is a link to one of my favorite blogs....Love From the Oven.
Besides the great name,Love from the oven has GREAT recipes and fun ideas for Birthdays,Holidays,and just plain dessert time!

Here are some pics of the blog!



Recently i finished a book called the BFG.
The BFG is a fairytale by Roald Daul about An orphin named sophie (in pink dress) And the BFG (big friendly giant)Try to save Peoples life's (because everyone knows giants are man eating)and get the queen Elizebeth to help.They succeed in the end and the BFG never needs to eat Snoozecumbers a repusant Snoozecumber
(the worst food on earth tastes like anything you don't like)again.



This post shows fiction and non-fiction stars.

The Odd Life of Timothy Green

Today me and my family went to see the Odd Life of Timothy Green in theaters.It was amazing.
If you are going to see it,have fun.If you have already seen it did you like it?And if you haven't seen it yet I think you should go see it.I rate this movie 5 stars and I hope you'll LOVE it too!
Here are some pics of the movie,"The Odd Life of Timothy Green".

Harry Potter Meets Dobby


Dobby is free!

Here is my FAVORITE part from the Harry Potter movies,enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Today my post is about cake.I don't like cake but I like to look at it cause it sometimes can be sooo colorful and cool.These picture's are ALL cake.
colorful cakes image