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My Concoction

A few days ago I made this gross concoction with egg,cherry juice,ice,salt,and rotton clememtine juice.It turned out to look like orange juice.I was going to ask my sister to drink it but she had saw all the ingredients out.Here are some pics of the concoction.concoction. Bon appetite!


A post from a post

In this post I wanted to share a post from one of my friends posts.
My friend (her blog is blue lace daisy)has a aweome post about her making Love from the oven's
"Deep Dish Cookie Dough Alamode".Now before I share her post I would like to give links to the blogs I mentioned.


here is her post!

Chopped up Hersheys Kisses, because I didn't have any chocolate chips, along with the butter I had to melt.
So, these pictures are of the steps I took to make this. It tasted soooooo good!!! Especially after a long day of work at the zoo, and then topped with Tin Roof Ice Cream.

Melted butter, sugar, flour, salt, and baking powder (I didn't add the vanilla or brown sugar... in place of the brown sugar I used twice the amount of white sugar.)

Everything in the process of being mixed together,

Deep-Dish Cookie before being cooked in the microwave

End product. Did I mention that this took about 3 minutes in total???

Remember go to...
Blue Lace Daisy